Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Some Gleeful Thoughts!

I watched the show Glee tonight. I love the show because of its beautiful singing and its diversification of characters. The subject tonight was church and Jesus. It seems that Jesus' face was displayed in a grilled cheese sandwich that was made by one of the characters. It was the clear image of Jesus to me. I saw it too.

It makes me think of how Christ can be found no matter where we look even in a grilled cheese sandwich. It reminded me of all of those who came to Conyers to see the appearance of Holy Mary. Many saw and many did not. They all came from far away. Some I guess will never see or get it.

We are all called to continue to look for Christ in everything. When was the last time you saw Christ in something. A song, a bird, a person, the day, the sun, they are all examples of the beauty of what Christ was and is and will be.

As an example, the story recently of the hiker who was lost in a California national park. He said he wrote his last will and testament on his hat. He thought God had left him in the wilderness to die alone. He lived as a rescue helicopter discovered him. He may not have seen God yet God was certainly with him. He lives.