Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Routine with a "N"

What an experience was felt by me today. My son after having pain for some time underwent a colonoscopy on January 7th to check for Crone's disease. A twenty millimeter polyp was found. It was removed and the results were to come in from pathology within ten days. Today after getting an early morning call from my son complaining of severe pain again. Being a helicopter mom, I called his doctor's office. I left a message stating all that had transpired along with a comment that we had not yet received the results of his colon test.

Throughout the day, I spoke to my son as he asked me if they had returned my call. Some time in the late afternoon, my cell phone rang. My son said "mom have you spoken to the doctor yet?" I responded "no not yet". His voice sounded strange. He then said "they called me". "What did they say," I asked? He responded "I have cancer". I really don't remember what he said after that point. I remember thinking I must not react. I must be strong."What do you mean son?" "That's not funny. Please don't say that" I hurried the reply. "Mom do you think I would be kidding about something like that"?

My world collapsed right in front of me. "What? I don't understand what happened?" "What did they say"?? "What are they going to do"?? "What is happening. I need to talk to the doctor. Let me call you back".

The story ends well. It seems that the biopsy show pre-cancer tissues or cells. Come back in one year to do the colonoscopy over. There was no cancer. However, the emotion was overwhelming during the ten minute time period that went from routine to the non-routine.

I have to reflect on our health care systems. How does a child who is only twenty years old hear over the telephone something that is obviously medically a routine diagnosis. It is of course to everyone except the patient. More subtle to reflect upon is the quick movement from routine life to the non-routine.

It makes me think about all that we consider routine in life and how quickly the routine can suddenly shift without notice. The routine can quickly become the horrific. An example, the recent shootings in Arizona. A routine campaign to meet your politician in a shopping center where people are just routinely wandering by. In a matter of minutes, it becomes the non-routine. People are being shot and killed. Many are wounded. Many are dead.

God is in the details. God is in the big picture. God is with us throughout everything the routine and the not so routine. Our challenge is keeping God in our routine enough so that when the non-routine happens, we still see God. His presence is evident.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wise words... and you are not a helicopter mom. ;-)
