Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thoughts on Emotions

I am thinking a lot about emotions and trauma lately. In this book that I am reading about trauma, it states that there are three aspects of each of us: what we think (mind), what we do (actions) and what we feel (emotions). Life is about patterns of each and all of those.

Each day is a pattern. It takes the pattern of what happens and how we react to what happens to us. As I said in my last post, we have little control over much of our life. However, we do have control over how we act and perhaps how we feel. In my readings the symbol of a triangle is used to discuss the three part system that we tend to call mood. Thoughts affect feelings, feelings affect actions and actions affect behavior. They all can interact which one another.

So as I see it from a theological perspective we are all about transformation. We are called to continually be in a change mode. Change is the one thing that is forever. The next time we tend to feel bothered by our actions or others we can change. When we feel a certain way, we can change.

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