Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Well, it's Thanksgiving time again. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him creatures here below.

I have to say that Thanksgiving is not my favorite time of year for some reason. I must try to figure out what in the world happened to make it so distasteful for me. I try now to isolate my feelings to the love that I have for God, my family and my children, and my church. However, there is something very wrong about the whole thing.

I love turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce. I love the relaxing and chilling out with the relaxing, calm, gentle, loving, gleeful, happy, joyful family. What I do not like is the stress of having to make it all happen so perfectly. The having to have it all come together "or else" by a certain time 1:00PM. Who says this stuff? By the way, whose family is that anyway. It wasn't mine.

Theologically, I know God is with me and that I do not go through any of this by myself. Yet, I must confess shopping at the store was some panicky this year. I wanted to ask God to just shop for me. I imagined I could just give God a list with all my needs on it. God would deliver and put it all away for me. By the way, God can you cook it too?

This year, I am not having the normal fifteen or so people to my home and yet I still took on the stress of the entire event as always. "I must clean the house, dust, vacuum, clean bathrooms oh so much work to do. I feel like the stepchild in the story Cinderella. I just want to be happy, go to the ball and dance all night long.

Oh well enough ranting and raving about the perfection of this holiday. Let me just sit with it this year. No pain, no thoughts, no worries, no cares. Let me just enjoy the time that I have with loved ones for this year. Thank you God for all I have. Thank you God for all you do. Thank you God for being you!

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